Dyslexia Adult Screening Test
DAST- Dyslexia Adult Screening Test (DAST) helps screen for dyslexia and other learning difficulties. For use within further education establishments and the commercial workplace.
- Publication date:
- 1998
- Age range:
- 16 years 5 months and older
- Qualification level:
- A
- Completion time:
- Individual - 30 minutes
Product notice
Effective immediately, the DST, DEST, and DAST assessments are now published by the Authors.
For purchases of DST, DEST, or DAST kits, manuals, forms, and any related physical materials for scoring these assessments, please contact the Authors directly at Rod Nicolson.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Product Details
The DAST comprises a total of 11 subtests which emphasises fluency as well as accuracy:
ReliabilityTest-retest reliability: e.g. tests of attainment .93 (2 minute spelling, .90 (one minute reading), .92 (nonsense passage reading) Inter-rater reliability: .98 (between experienced rates's) and .94 (between inexperienced rater's).