Raven's - Educational

The Progressive Matrices provide an assessment of non-verbal ability and the Vocabulary Scales provide scores in the verbal domain

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  • Kits

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    From £425.30
  • Test forms & reports

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    From £44.10
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    All tests and materials offered for Raven's - Educational

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    From £44.10
- of 9 results
  • CPM (Ravens Educational) SPM+/MHV Complete Kit
    9780749142193 Qualification Level A

    Includes SPM+/MHV Manual, SPM+ Stimulus Booklet, 25 SPM+ Record Forms, 25 MHV Form 1 Record Forms and SPM Scoring Acetate in a bag

    £425.30 Excl. VAT

  • CPM (Ravens Educational) CPM/CVS Complete Kit
    9780749142070 Qualification Level A

    Includes CPM/CVS Manual, CPM Stimulus Booklet, 25 CPM Record Forms, 25 CVS Record Forms, CVS Word Card and CPM Scoring Acetate in a bag

    £425.30 Excl. VAT

  • CPM (Ravens Educational) CVS Record Forms
    9780749142032 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £44.10 Excl. VAT

  • CPM (Ravens Educational) CPM Record Forms
    9780749142063 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £44.10 Excl. VAT

  • CPM (Ravens Educational) SPM+/MHV Manual
    9780749142155 Qualification Level A


    £196.40 Excl. VAT

  • CPM (Ravens Educational) MHV (Form 1) Record Forms
    9780749142100 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £44.10 Excl. VAT

  • CPM (Ravens Educational) SPM+ Stimulus Booklets
    9780749142049 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 10

    £324.50 Excl. VAT

  • CPM (Ravens Educational) SPM+ Record Forms
    9780749142186 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £44.10 Excl. VAT

  • CPM (Ravens Educational) MHV (Form 2) Record Forms
    9780749142117 Qualification Level A

    Pack of 25

    £44.10 Excl. VAT


Publication date:
Age range:
CPM / CVS: 4 to 11 years, SPM+ / MHV: 7 to 18 years
Qualification level:
Individual or Group
Scoring options:
Manual scoring

Product Details

Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales enjoy a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children.


  • This standardisation represents the most significant development for the children's version of the Raven's progressive matrices and Vocabulary Scales since the 1979 & 1982 standardisations with children aged from five to 16 years.
  • The re-standardisation means that you can confidently use the Raven's to assess non-verbal and verbal aspect of general ability for children in the UK.
  • Along with this standardisation, Pearson Assessment has completed an extensive redesign of the product, simplifying and updating materials. This makes the test more attractive and easier to use.


  • The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population
  • Vocabulary Scales provide scores in the verbal domain. This important instrument has now been re-standardised for the UK population.
The following kits are available for children:
  • Raven's - Educational CPM/CVS complete kit
Individually administered test for children aged 4 to 11 years.
  • Raven's - Educational SPM+/MHV complete kit

Individually and Group administered test for children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 years.




The Raven’s-Educational: CPM/CVS and Raven’s-Educational: SPM+/MHV both assess children between the ages of 7 and 11 years. Which should I use if I have a child between these ages?

In the UK standardisation, data were collected on two versions of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales and are published as the Raven’s – Educational UK: CPM/CVS version and the Raven’s – Educational UK: SPM+/MHV version. There is an overlap in the normative data for these tools for children who are between 7 and 11 years of age. It is advised that the examiner uses their professional judgement as to which would be the most appropriate test for their use when they are assessing children in this age range. CPM/CVS is an individually administered test and has easier items than the SPM+/MHV. The SPM+/MHV can be administered individually and in groups.

In this UK standardisation, data were collected on two versions of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales and are published as the Raven’s – Educational UK: CPM/CVS version and the Raven’s – Educational UK: SPM+/MHV version (this version). There is an overlap in the normative data for these tools for children who are between 7 and 11 years of age. It is advised that the examiner uses their professional judgement as to which would be the most appropriate test for their use when they are assessing children in this age range. CPM/CVS is an individually administered test and has easier items than the SPM+/MHV. The SPM+/MHV can be administered individually and in groups.

What scores can I now get from the Raven’s-Educational: CPM/CVS and Raven’s-Educational: SPM+/MHV?

For both the CPM/CVS and SPM+/MHV, the individual’s raw scores can be converted to standard scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. However, it should be noted that these scores are in steps of five points. The relatively small number of items within the tests meant that a finer degree of precision could not be realistically obtained.

Percentile ranks are given which correspond to the standard scores.

Confidence Intervals can be derived around all scores.

Age Equivalents can be obtained.

A discrepancy analysis can be completed between the matrices (CPM and SPM+) and their relevant vocabulary scales (CVS and MHV).

Who can administer the tests?

Because of the complexities of test administration, diagnosis and assessment, and the possible significance of test results within the decision-making process, examiners who use the Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales should have training and experience in the administration and interpretation of standardised educational or clinical instruments. They should also have experience in testing people whose ages, linguistic backgrounds and clinical, cultural or educational histories are similar to those of the people they will be testing. In most cases, examiners who use the Raven’s – Educational UK: SPM+/MHV will have completed qualifications in teaching, special education, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, clinical psychology or educational psychology.

This tool is intended as a screening measure of aspects of general ability. If difficulties are highlighted they should be referred on as appropriate. Additionally, if any user has difficulties interpreting the scores obtained they should seek supervision/expert advice as appropriate.

Test results should always be interpreted in view of the examinee’s background, personality traits, and current emotional state, including his or her levels of attention, motivation, and language comprehension. Any concerns about an examinee’s abilities as screened on this assessment should be referred on as appropriate.

Can I administer the tests in groups?

The Raven’s – Educational UK: SPM+/MHV can be administered in group and individual settings.

The Raven’s – Educational UK: CPM/CVS version can only be administered individually.

Are the tests accepted for access arrangements?

Yes, it has been accepted for both JCQ and NCT for access arrangements and is currently under review for DSA. Email info@pearsonclinical.co.uk for more information.

How long does the test take to administer?

The Raven’s – Educational UK: SPM+/MHV will take 60 to 90 minutes to complete (approximately 45 minutes for the SPM+ and 35 minutes for the MHV).

The Raven’s – Educational UK: CPM/CVS will take approximately 30 minutes to complete (approximately 15 minutes for each test).